06 - The Battle of Tippecanoe
24 сентября 2013

06 - The Battle of Tippecanoe

06 - The Battle of Tippecanoe
Great Leader of His People by Ethel T. Raymond Tecumseh was a leader of the Shawnee and a large tribal confederacy that opposed the United States during the War of 1812. He became a folk hero remembered by many Canadians for his defense of their country.
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#1 написал: melkissedec1 (26 сентября 2013 09:14)
120 years and 7 Presidents died in office...Psalm 120:7 The natives begging on Nov 7 for peace and their killers hunger for blood and stolen lands...But now it's about payback time...The curse? of Melchizedek goes for another 20 years from Nov 7 year 2000 when George W. Bush stole the election from Gore until 2020 when John McCain the 666 will take the White House by force...Melchizedek