Live Intermediate English Lesson 13: Mental Power 4: What is the Mind
26 сентября 2013

Live Intermediate English Lesson 13: Mental Power 4: What is the Mind

Live Intermediate English Lesson 13: Mental Power 4: What is the Mind
This is a live series recorded from Canada and Vietnam. It is designed to help Vietnamese speakers become more fluent in English. We focus on pronunciation and fluency of speaking. Some words are difficult to pronounce but I work through the different sounds to make it sound more like a native speaker. These lessons are taken from my Intermediate Lessons viewed here: You can get the PPT files to follow along here:
С видео Live Intermediate English Lesson 13: Mental Power 4: What is the Mind изучение английского языка станет доступным.
#1 написал: TeacherPhilEnglish (28 сентября 2013 11:41)
Usually we just say "nice".? more specific phrase is 'kind hearted'
#2 написал: inyazserg Sergey Larin (28 сентября 2013 11:41)
Thanks, but again - I wanted to tell both about her gentle character and nice manners and not? about her diligence. She is soft in manners. What do I say then about her?
#3 написал: TeacherPhilEnglish (28 сентября 2013 11:41)
maybe...? studious
#4 написал: TeacherPhilEnglish (28 сентября 2013 11:41)
don't say? delicate for people, say calm