Learn English with Steve-Peppy 9-English Vocabulary
26 сентября 2013

Learn English with Steve-Peppy 9-English Vocabulary

Learn English with Steve-Peppy 9-English Vocabulary
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#1 написал: matheusmgp1 (28 сентября 2013 13:29)
Thank? you !! you are the best ....
#2 написал: PrivateEnglishPortal (28 сентября 2013 13:29)
support in English is "sustentar" or "apoiar", suportar? in Portguese means to "bear", "tolerate", "put up with"
#3 написал: matheusmgp1 (28 сентября 2013 13:29)
In Portuguese Support means 'Apoiar'?? and not 'Suportar' Is it right???
#4 написал: Jade Theodoro da Silva Fran?oso (28 сентября 2013 13:29)
Thank you for your time! Your videos are excellent. Sorry my mistakes in? writing of the English language. Congratulations!
#5 написал: asgaardknight (28 сентября 2013 13:29)
your videos are great and they helped me a lot! I live in Costa Rica and Im going? to an intervew tomorrow at Stream, I hope my pronunciation and fluency have improve watching your videos, and of course, I will continue practicing the rest of the time before my intervew! Thanks alot!
#6 написал: PrivateEnglishPortal (28 сентября 2013 13:29)
100% correct!?
#7 написал: MissMathLover (28 сентября 2013 13:29)
So , False friends (or faux amis) are pairs of words in two languages or dialects (or letters in two alphabets) that look or sound similar, but differ in? meaning Thanks for your response
#8 написал: PrivateEnglishPortal (28 сентября 2013 13:29)
false friends= false cognates?
#9 написал: MissMathLover (28 сентября 2013 13:29)
what do false friends mean ? I get confused with the other questions from the differentLatin languages?
#10 написал: Ellie Mackness (28 сентября 2013 13:29)
daviderivi do u no what to pretend actually means??? in enlgish like? it means ur pretending as in its not really like for exapmle children pretend to? play cook and that would mean there cooking but its not real its pretend. got it? x