Elementary English. Lesson 1. Present simple and present continuous
30 июля 2013

Elementary English. Lesson 1. Present simple and present continuous

Elementary English. Lesson 1. Present simple and present continuous
What is the difference between present simple and present continuous? How do we use them? Find out in this video. Here is a QUIZ to test your understanding h...
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#1 написал: Jeremias Rocha (1 августа 2013 08:06)
thank? you!
#2 написал: Dilovan Khalil (1 августа 2013 08:06)
I love you my teacher Thank you so much for teaching lesson english thank you i? liked
#3 написал: MrSkypelessons (1 августа 2013 08:06)
No. McDonald's use bad grammar and spelling (I'm lovin it), to sell more of their low? quality but tasty products to children.
#4 написал: kapil sharma (1 августа 2013 08:06)
we usually use m loving? it,then is it correct ?
#5 написал: Nargiz Ak (1 августа 2013 08:06)
Thank you very very much for such video lessons. Good luck to you. Pls we want? more grammer lessons.
#6 написал: lllFaHaDlll (1 августа 2013 08:06)
thank you very much I'm saudi? arabia and wish to learn english ?
#7 написал: lllFaHaDlll (1 августа 2013 08:06)
thank you? very much I'm saudi arabia and wish to learn english
#8 написал: Lyudmila Balykova (1 августа 2013 08:06)
You are welcome! If I notice anything else - I'll let? you know! But it will take some time :-) Thanks for the hard work!!!
#9 написал: MrSkypelessons (1 августа 2013 08:06)
Yes - you are? right! I will change it later. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.
#10 написал: Lyudmila Balykova (1 августа 2013 08:06)
I know :-) But in the "She am loving? biscuits" - "am" looks too much incorrect, so to make it look more correct, to make person to think which answer is correct, it's better to put "IS loving" in the multiple choice box. So the sentence "She IS loving biscuits" looks almost right and will make a person to commit a mistake and to learn the rule better. .. That's my point! Thank you ...