[t], [d] or [Id]? | "-ed" Past Tense | English Pronunciation
30 июля 2013

[t], [d] or [Id]? | "-ed" Past Tense | English Pronunciation

[t], [d] or [Id]? | '-ed' Past Tense | English Pronunciation
VIDEO LESSON! Learn why the -ed ending of past tense verbs in English is pronounced in three different ways: [t], [d] and [Id]. Listen and repeat for practic...
English Pronunciation.
#1 написал: ranozalit (1 августа 2013 08:25)
really good?
#2 написал: Alejandro Garc?a Vidal (1 августа 2013 08:25)
Well, I called it "echo effect"; what I meant is that your voice sounds as? if you were inside a huge empty space, a cathedral for instance, or at least this is how I hear it. Anyway, it?s not important at all, just it seemed to me strange. thanks again and again.
#3 написал: eLeMentalEnglish (1 августа 2013 08:25)
Thank you for the nice compliments! I'm glad you like the lessons :) What echo effect are you referring to? Do you mean when I repeat sentences for you to repeat or? something else?
#4 написал: Alejandro Garc?a Vidal (1 августа 2013 08:25)
AWESOME ! THE CLEAREST, MOST ACCURATE SITE TO LEARN EVER !!! (in my humble opinion) Just one thing, do you really think the echo effect in the sound when you pronounce is necessary; it doesn?t? match to real listening. THANKS A LOT. BEST WISHES
#5 написал: eLeMentalEnglish (1 августа 2013 08:25)
Thanks! :)?
#6 написал: Marek Connell (1 августа 2013 08:25)
Excellent.? Well done!
#7 написал: FREECHANNEL00 (1 августа 2013 08:25)
Thank you my teacher.?
#8 написал: eLeMentalEnglish (1 августа 2013 08:25)
That's a great question. My simple answer is -- practice! In the case where the correct -ed pronunciation does not come out naturally, the student should practice common verbs with various -ed endings in all three categories ([t][d][Id]) and practice repeatedly until it becomes natural. With language learning, noticing aspects of the language and one's errors plus? repetitive conscious practicing of the rules and corrected speech can lead to the correct subconscious use of those rules.
#9 написал: eLeMentalEnglish (1 августа 2013 08:25)
#10 написал: FREECHANNEL00 (1 августа 2013 08:25)
How i do those rules without thinking? ? I mean normally subconsciously.