How to Pronounce the Word YOUR in a Sentence - American English Pronunciation
30 июля 2013

How to Pronounce the Word YOUR in a Sentence - American English Pronunciation

How to Pronounce the Word YOUR in a Sentence - American English Pronunciation
SUBSCRIBE!:, Did you know the words YOUR and YOU'RE will both reduce in a sentence? Using this pronunciation will help you sound more na...
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#1 написал: TheOliverSanders (1 августа 2013 08:26)
fuck you?
#2 написал: Austin Gee (1 августа 2013 08:26)
Why is it that people often drop the "g" off of "ing" words when they have more than one syllable? For example, a lot of people change "jumping"? to "jumpin'", but words like "ring" stay the same.
#3 написал: Austin Gee (1 августа 2013 08:26)
I? tend to say "you're" with an "OH" sound, but "your" with the schwa, upside-down "e" thing. I guess that's just the Missouri coming out.
#4 написал: APRENDENDOINGL?SCOMHARRYPOTTER mendon?a (1 августа 2013 08:26)
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#5 написал: Lady Souza (1 августа 2013 08:26)
I notice that many people who watch Rachel's? videos are Brazilian. Well, me too :D
#6 написал: madalena fran?a (1 августа 2013 08:26)
can I use "I? go to drink water" in any time or I`d better use "I am going to drink water"
#7 написал: Enrique Reyes.t (1 августа 2013 08:26)
It's kind of? difficult... to notice!!!!
#8 написал: Minecraftbuds89 (1 августа 2013 08:26)
I know this? I grow up in Canada
#9 написал: 1948DESMOND (1 августа 2013 08:26)