The Curtezan Unmasked (FULL Audio Book)
25 сентября 2013

The Curtezan Unmasked (FULL Audio Book)

The Curtezan Unmasked (FULL Audio Book)
The Curtezan Unmasked (FULL Audio Book) by Anonymous "The Curtezan unmasked or, the Whoredomes of Jezebel Painted to the Life: With Antidotes against them, or Heavenly Julips to cool Men in the Fever of Lust" is a fire-and-brimstone polemic by "A Spiritual Physician" to persuade young men not to succumb to harlotry and its accompanying perils. (Introduction by Denny Sayers)
Видео The Curtezan Unmasked (FULL Audio Book) делает английский язык более простым.