Connected Speech & Linking | American English Pronunciation
30 июля 2013

Connected Speech & Linking | American English Pronunciation

Connected Speech & Linking | American English Pronunciation
Many of my students say they want to sound just like a native English speaker. I understand the desire, but my answer to them is always the same. The goal is...
Видео Connected Speech & Linking
#1 написал: TheFamilitchi (1 августа 2013 08:27)
omg I love the girl's accent so? much.
#2 написал: Vanildi Ferreira (1 августа 2013 08:27)
Very well? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#3 написал: eLeMentalEnglish (1 августа 2013 08:27)
You're? so welcome! :)
#4 написал: saulocalderon (1 августа 2013 08:27)
I Love it! Thanks!?
#5 написал: Beryl Kim (1 августа 2013 08:27)
Very Helpfull? .. Thanks :D
#6 написал: eLeMentalEnglish (1 августа 2013 08:27)
AWESOME!!! Thanks? so much!!! :)
#7 написал: Nguy?n Ph? Qu? (1 августа 2013 08:27)
thanks i saw many languages in bottom? of your page and I want add Vietnamese sentence there . ''H?c ti?ng anh mi?n ph? ,Ph?t ?m gi?ng m? '' you copy and put it .hihi
#8 написал: eLeMentalEnglish (1 августа 2013 08:27)
When we have stop consonants, as you wrote, at the end of a word, we don't really say those sounds strongly when connecting? them to a following consonant. But we do say them a little bit. It's not correct to 100% delete them. I think it's more helpful to think about starting to say the consonant, but not finishing it. And instead, going right into your second consonant.
#9 написал: eLeMentalEnglish (1 августа 2013 08:27)
Hi Anna, Here is a new lesson I did on V+V on the web site called [ow] vowel sound. Let? mw know if that's helpful! :) There is more on the subject coming...