English pronunciation - past tense
30 июля 2013

English pronunciation - past tense

English pronunciation - past tense
This video will teach you the 3 different pronunciations of the past tense -ed. If you leave off this little ending, many of your native American English spe...
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#1 написал: Miel Mani (1 августа 2013 08:26)
Not bad but referring to? "native American speakers" makes it sounds like you're talking about indigenous peoples! I would have said "native English speakers" or native North American speakers."
#2 написал: winstono75 (1 августа 2013 08:26)
I like(d)? your video.
#3 написал: Newton Silva (1 августа 2013 08:26)
I am looking for verbs ending in? vowel sounds, all of them if possible! Thanks!
#4 написал: Vitor Lucas (1 августа 2013 08:26)
eu vim pelo? number one
#5 написал: ashleywilson62 (1 августа 2013 08:26)
Great video I googled "active? voice 12 tenses" and found really good links to learn the english tenses quickly and easily
#6 написал: 0Cabral (1 августа 2013 08:26)
Se voc? veio aki pelo number one? da um joinha!
#7 написал: InterLanguageYT (1 августа 2013 08:26)
Nice job, though there is room for improvement. The three groups should be given in full, with emphasis on the distinction between what constitutes a final "sound" and a final "letter". For instance, the way the rule is explained here, students end up thinking that if "passed" and "past" are homonyms, then "raised" and? "raced" must be homonyms as well (which they are not).
#8 написал: thair731 (1 августа 2013 08:26)
Excellent video and a serious work in? this topic, Thank you.
#9 написал: amarfazbem (1 августа 2013 08:26)
God bless you, dear friend, by your kindness,? to share you acnowledge for all of us!