ESL Dropping T in Spoken British English Pronunciation
30 июля 2013

ESL Dropping T in Spoken British English Pronunciation

ESL Dropping T in Spoken British English Pronunciation dropping the letter "T" in received British pronunciation and in working class British pronunciation. Often, croquet, buffet, b...
Видео ESL Dropping T in Spoken British English Pronunciation будет очень полезно тем, кто хочет выучить английский язык.
#1 написал: guoqinzou (1 августа 2013 08:29)
*I drives me menal!!!! ?
#2 написал: Kati Svaby (1 августа 2013 08:29)
Many thanks. For the time being I am? very happy that I understand very well your pronunciation. Regards: Kati Svaby
#3 написал: iswearenglish (1 августа 2013 08:29)
if you are not accustomed to listening to? it, it can be very difficult to understand
#4 написал: Kati Svaby (1 августа 2013 08:29)
I believe that It could be very difficultly to understand the working class' speaking. They drops the sound 'T'? so the word becomes very strange. They say: What is that? =[wosa:]?
#5 написал: sandra patricia silva vargas (1 августа 2013 08:29)
Really nice! My? daughter and I loved it! She's 8.
#6 написал: 666zzzrrr (1 августа 2013 08:29)
I'm learning French at the moment (beginner) and my understanding to date is English words ending with -ent, -ant, -ance, -ence, -al, or -el come from French. Great video? iswearenglish
#7 написал: dalia ghaly (1 августа 2013 08:29)
How to know if the words 's origin is French ? ?
#8 написал: dalia ghaly (1 августа 2013 08:29)
That was very helpful thank? you
#9 написал: Fernando B (1 августа 2013 08:29)
Thank you so much for sharing this video. I'm an anglophile, and I would like to adopt a Londoner's accent, because I've heard it before and I think it's quite perfect, but now I? realize that there is a cockney accent (which I supposed you were talking to in such video). It will take me a long time to comprehend both differences, even though I'll get used to those complex english accents (for me).