English Speaking Countries - Countries and nationalities
30 июля 2013

English Speaking Countries - Countries and nationalities

English Speaking Countries - Countries and nationalities
theonlineenglishclub.com In this lesson I talk about English speaking countries and give some extra information such as capital cities and nationaliti...
Видео English Speaking Countries - Countries and nationalities будет полезно людям, желающим быстро выучить английский язык.
#1 написал: Sergeant Applez (1 августа 2013 07:27)
Actually, there are more english speakers than? french
#2 написал: Sergeant Applez (1 августа 2013 07:27)
yes, but english isn't the most spoken in pakistan, and also not as a native language, therefore? it is not an english speaking country
#3 написал: MrSardar Khan (1 августа 2013 07:27)
no dude Pakistan is the? 3rd largest English speking country just go to wikipedia and search english language
#4 написал: ian lee (1 августа 2013 07:27)
huh!? where's Philippines?! it's the 3rd largest English speaking country in the? world!? LOL!
#5 написал: ian lee (1 августа 2013 07:27)
huh!? where's Philippines?! it's? the 3rd largest English speaking country in the? world! LOL!
#6 написал: ian lee (1 августа 2013 07:27)
huh!? where's Philippines?! it's the 3rd largest English speaking? country in the world! LOL!
#7 написал: nar dcruz (1 августа 2013 07:27)
Mr. Lee is a Filipino haha..He is quite bitter to Philippines bias lol..?
#8 написал: louie allen dellosa (1 августа 2013 07:27)
#9 написал: USDELTAsandman (1 августа 2013 07:27)
#10 написал: Indira Nurekenova (1 августа 2013 07:27)
It was very helpful information? for me. I am a teacher at a secondary school and I'm going to show this video in my lesson for the 8th and 9th grades' students. I hope it will be interesting and cognitive for them. But I'd like something more entertaining. Thanks!))))