Hand and Ring Audiobook by Anna Katharine Green (FULL Audiobook) - part (9 of 9)
26 сентября 2013

Hand and Ring Audiobook by Anna Katharine Green (FULL Audiobook) - part (9 of 9)

Hand and Ring Audiobook by Anna Katharine Green (FULL Audiobook) - part (9 of 9)
Hand and Ring Audiobook by Anna Katharine Green. Read by Richard Kilmer. Widow Clemmens is struck down in her parlor while the town's legal professionals chat outside the courthouse down the street. An investigation is made and two equally plausible suspects are quickly unearthed. But is either guilty? And what role does the mysterious Miss Imogene Dare play in this drama? A classic Green mystery notable particularly for the extended courtroom scenes in the second half of the book. (Summary by Richard Kilmer)
Видео Hand and Ring Audiobook by Anna Katharine Green (FULL Audiobook) - part (9 of 9) очень пригодится тем, кто хочет выучить английский язык.