English Pronunciation How To Lesson 48 (West American Accent) Speak Fluent no Accent
26 сентября 2013

English Pronunciation How To Lesson 48 (West American Accent) Speak Fluent no Accent

English Pronunciation How To Lesson 48 (West American Accent) Speak Fluent no Accent
This English pronunciation lesson will help you speak more fluently and it will also help you pronounce your words more like a native speaker of English. Rather than sounding like and ESL/EFL learner, you will be able to pick up more of an American or Canadian style accent by listening closely to the slow speaking of my crisp, electronically modified undeniably wonderful voice.
Смотрите видео English Pronunciation How To Lesson 48 (West American Accent) Speak Fluent no Accent и вы с легкостью выучите английский язык.
#1 написал: bonghamlife JO (28 сентября 2013 11:10)
Yes you are right. In this? winter, we have seen many icicles on the forest.
#2 написал: Josevalentim1 (28 сентября 2013 11:10)
Great? lessons!