Business and Finance Lesson 13: Cost/Benefit Analysis of Supply Chain (Learn English)
26 сентября 2013

Business and Finance Lesson 13: Cost/Benefit Analysis of Supply Chain (Learn English)

Business and Finance Lesson 13: Cost/Benefit Analysis of Supply Chain (Learn English)
In this lesson we will do an example of how to design a supply chain and how to change it later on as business conditions change. We will design a new company with a new supply chain. As the company grows or shrinks, it may have to change its supply chain. Selling internationally might require opening a new factory in a different country. This can be expensive and not worth the effort, or it could work out well. Part of supply chain design is anticipating what will happen in the future.
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#6 написал: Yelizev (28 сентября 2013 11:38)
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