Intermediate Listening English Practice 6: Americans leaving doors open to attract animals
26 сентября 2013

Intermediate Listening English Practice 6: Americans leaving doors open to attract animals

Intermediate Listening English Practice 6: Americans leaving doors open to attract animals
This new series of intermediate level listening practice will help you learn some new vocabulary and test your listening ability. We feature five new English words, a listening section, a listening-again section, three questions and then the answers. It is designed to be somewhat goofy but less goofy than my "make a sentence" lesson series.
Изучение английского языка будет доступным с видео Intermediate Listening English Practice 6: Americans leaving doors open to attract animals.
#1 написал: Alan Macedo (28 сентября 2013 11:41)
? Legal seus videos, estou vendo uma penca deles e acho que estou aprendendo.
#2 написал: erlina romadhoni (28 сентября 2013 11:41)
Thanks a lot Mr.Phill,? IIt's very useful.. ^_^
#3 написал: Ryan86535 (28 сентября 2013 11:41)
perfect like last videos.?
#4 написал: Meta Firmansyah (28 сентября 2013 11:41)
wow, i like the way? you do when describing skyrocketing