Intermediate Listening English Practice 19: Global Deficit Linked to Holes
26 сентября 2013

Intermediate Listening English Practice 19: Global Deficit Linked to Holes

Intermediate Listening English Practice 19: Global Deficit Linked to Holes
This new series of intermediate level listening practice will help you learn some new vocabulary and test your listening ability. We feature five new English words, a listening section, a listening-again section, three questions and then the answers. It is designed to be somewhat goofy but less goofy than my "make a sentence" lesson series.
Видео Intermediate Listening English Practice 19: Global Deficit Linked to Holes очень пригодится в изучении английского языка.
#1 написал: bai cragi (28 сентября 2013 11:40)
You are? so creative
#2 написал: Alessio Pizzutti (28 сентября 2013 11:40)
excellent we have found out the solution? for the euro crysis...let's inform merkel, sarkozy and monti xD