IELTS Writing Academic Task 2 (Essay) : Model 2 (People and Change)
26 сентября 2013

IELTS Writing Academic Task 2 (Essay) : Model 2 (People and Change)

IELTS Writing Academic Task 2 (Essay) : Model 2 (People and Change)
A printable model of this tutorial can be downloaded from: This is the second part of the IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 tutorial on "People and Change". This part - Model 2 - provides a model written response and explains the text. Model 1 provides an alternate way of writing about the Task.
Видео IELTS Writing Academic Task 2 (Essay) : Model 2 (People and Change) очень пригодится людям, желающим самостоятельно выучить английский язык.
#1 написал: ESL4free (28 сентября 2013 13:08)
Can I suggest the IELTS Writing eBooks from our website? - MyEnglishExam.
#2 написал: Mithona Chan (28 сентября 2013 13:08)
I need more essays with? the variety of vocabulary.
#3 написал: EnglishTeacherVideo (28 сентября 2013 13:08)
Need to pass the IELTS exam? We have Native English teachers who can help you. We can help you improve your? Writing , Reading, Listening and Speaking skills to score 7+. Add us on Skype: R_English1
#4 написал: EnglishTeacherVideo (28 сентября 2013 13:08)
Need to pass the IELTS exam? We have Native English teachers who can help you. We can help you improve your Writing , Reading, Listening and Speaking skills to? score 7+. Add us on Skype: R_English1
#5 написал: MAEdu20122013 (28 сентября 2013 13:08)
Very useful - for native speakers who are a little? new to English for Academic Purposes. Thanks!
#6 написал: sajjad khan (28 сентября 2013 13:08)
Hi,anyone practices of English add me on my? skype id"sajjadhellokhankhan"
#7 написал: Eltac Abbasov (28 сентября 2013 13:08)
Hello everybody...Please help me is there any blog or site to chech my essays regularly? ?
#8 написал: prashant Kewlani (28 сентября 2013 13:08)
Hey Mate, I'm getting? 8 and above in all three components, but, i'm struggling not getting more than 7 in writing, however I agree that I don't use long complex words and i'll look after that seriously. Could you please give me some more tips for writing. I'll appreciate any help from your side, also, where did you appear for your test (location)?
#9 написал: ESL4free (28 сентября 2013 13:08)
Use in a list - for example "IELTS has for? parts, Writing, Speaking, Listening and Reading" or to add extra information, such as "who lives in another town" in "I have a brother, who lives in another town, that has been unwell for many years".
#10 написал: Tushar Panwar (28 сентября 2013 13:08)
sir please tell me when should i? use commas