'Put' in Phrasal Verbs - put down, put back, put off, put up
30 июля 2013

'Put' in Phrasal Verbs - put down, put back, put off, put up

'Put' in Phrasal Verbs - put down, put back, put off, put up
www.engvid.com/ Don't put this lesson off! If you want to enhance your vocabulary and understanding of some common phrasal verbs that use "put," watch...
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#1 написал: charith ferdinandus (1 августа 2013 09:57)
hi im ferdi from sri lanka if? you like to learn spoken english with me call on 0770 511 512
#2 написал: Alex Martinez (1 августа 2013 09:57)
You're right "Posponer" Your? spanish pronunciation is very good.
#3 написал: Sebastian Garcia (1 августа 2013 09:57)
Thanks, this is so useful!!! :D?
#4 написал: Sarika Deshpande (1 августа 2013 09:57)
Can all? these phrasal verbs be used formally? in official email writing etc..
#5 написал: Giovanny Tovar (1 августа 2013 09:57)
By the way my dear teacher you made a mistake in the spelling of the word accommodate .....jejej ....?
#6 написал: entin fitri (1 августа 2013 09:57)
you're the best? teacher ever!!!!
#7 написал: Thiago Paiva (1 августа 2013 09:57)
Is the pronunciation of "put" correct?? A teacher taught me that "put" has a different pronunciation of "but". Oo
#8 написал: tr?n v?n th? (1 августа 2013 09:57)
it's a very meaningful lesson!? thanks
#9 написал: Bruno Chemali (1 августа 2013 09:57)
To " accommodate " with a double m! dear? teacher!
#10 написал: nawraa94 (1 августа 2013 09:57)
i got 100 in the quiz ... Thank u? :*