BBC - Simon Schama - A History Of Britain (06) Burning convictions
30 июля 2013

BBC - Simon Schama - A History Of Britain (06) Burning convictions

BBC - Simon Schama - A History Of Britain (06) Burning convictions
A History of Britain is a BBC documentary series written and presented by Simon Schama, first transmitted in the United Kingdom from 30 September 2000. A stu...
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#1 написал: papa de gamba lunga (1 августа 2013 07:27)
as it goes the UK has the scales of justice because it actually was the most unjust? place on earth. so much so that it built the scales of justice as the biggest injustice. the most unjust place on earth claiming to be the most just and making it believable. it is ok to accept things like fox hunting to go? i guess? but dont let the economy go with it... this is what i was mentioning before about the grocery and health (GP) industries. loosing all financial projection.