A Noble Woman The Life-Story of Edith Cavell (FULL Audiobook)
1 мая 2014

A Noble Woman The Life-Story of Edith Cavell (FULL Audiobook)

A Noble Woman The Life-Story of Edith Cavell (FULL Audiobook)
A Noble Woman The Life-Story of Edith Cavell - audiobook Ernest PROTHEROE (? - ?) Edith L. Cavell (1865--1915) was a British nurse who attended to soldiers of both sides during World War I,...
Видео A Noble Woman The Life-Story of Edith Cavell (FULL Audiobook) будет очень полезно тем, кто хочет выучить английский язык.
#1 написал: Ian Mangham (2 мая 2014 16:01)
Ianmangham@gmail=good reader?