Philosophical Rudiments Concerning Government and Society (FULL Audiobook)
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Philosophical Rudiments Concerning Government and Society - audiobook
Thomas HOBBES (1588 - 1679)
De Cive ("On the citizen") is one of Thomas Hobbes's major works. "The book was published originally in Latin from Paris in 1642, followed by two further Latin editions in 1647 from Amsterdam. The English translation of the work made its first appearance four years later (London 1651) under the title 'Philosophicall rudiments concerning government and society'."
It anticipates themes of the better-known Leviathan. The famous phrase bellum omnium contra omnes ("war of all against all") appeared first in De Cive. - Summary by Wikipedia
DPLs for this project were phaedo and craigdav1
Genre(s): Political Science, Early Modern
Language: English (FULL Audiobook)