Polite English: What NOT to say to people!
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Instead of teaching you what to say, today I'll teach you what NOT to say! You'll learn conversation topics that you should NEVER go into, because they are insulting and can make people dislike you. Knowing what NOT to ask someone is an important part of being polite in English-speaking countries! These topics to avoid are different from culture to culture, so you might think you are not doing anything wrong, but to an American or English person, you are being rude by talking about their weight, for instance.This lesson is very important if you want to date, flirt, or talk with people in social situations. If you don't want to be rude, or embarrass yourself or others, check out this lesson so you can be more confident making friendly conversation in English. Wow! You look fat...and what's wrong with your face?!
Hi. I need to talk to you guys about something. It's important, especially if you're going to talk to a lady. Sometimes people leave comments, sometimes people say things to people - they do not mean to be offensive, but it makes people sad and it makes people hate you. This lesson is called: "What Not to Say" or "What Not to Ask Ladies". And for all, forsake and truth, men as well. So, if you're trying to talk to a lady that you quite like or someone you haven't seen in a long time or a man you haven't seen in a long time, there's some guidelines I'm going to help you out with. Mm-hmm. Don't say these things, because it's really kind of bad.
The first one and probably the most important one is someone's weight. Now, maybe the person has lost a lot of weight, so they've had some weight loss or they've gained weight. Unfortunately, for most of us, we gain weight. So, it is not cool at all to say someone: "Oh, hey! You've gained some weight since we've met. Well, I... Pfft, you've put on some pounds, haven't you?" Mm-hmm. That's none of your business. I think that the person probably knows already that they've gained some weight. I don't think that they have known this for the first time when you've told them: -"You've gained some..." -"I've gained some weight? Really? I haven't noticed. Thanks a lot." People know that they've done this, so you don't need to point it out to them. They know this.
Be very careful with this one, please: -"Are you pregnant?" -"No, I'm just fat." Be really careful with this one. Maybe someone's got some extra pudge around their tummy, maybe they've enjoyed one too many Guinness' on the patio over the summertime. And this is is worse for women, they've got a bit of a gut, big tummy there. Never ask a woman if they're pregnant. Maybe they are pregnant, but chances are if they are pregnant, they would have told you already. It's kind of important news. If you're close to the person, they'd probably send you an email and say: "I'm pregnant." Facebook would be a good indication of: "I'm having a baby. Look at my tummy." Usually if your friend who's a girl is pregnant, you're going to hear about it, especially on Facebook. So never ask a woman if she is pregnant.
Even losing weight, some people lose weight, and this is not a good thing. Maybe they are sick, maybe they have cancer. How cool would you feel if someone said: -"Oh, hey! You've lost weight. You look great." -"Yeah, I'm dying of cancer." -"Oh." So, be careful about the weight issue. Don't even talk about it, because the people know. Mm-hmm, believe me. One of our really, really bad things about... Only one of them. About our society is there's a lot of pressure on mostly women to look pencil-thin, Angelina-Jolie-skinny, so it's hard enough that we have to deal with this on a daily basis. If you read those disgusting fashion magazines, we don't need other people telling us that we're not living up to the Photoshopped beauty that you see at the checkout counter. Mm-hmm. That was at Chinga.
So, the next thing you want to do is looks. Okay? Maybe you didn't wear makeup one day, ladies, or you just... You... I don't know, you're just hanging out and someone says: -"Oh my god, are you okay? You look tired." -"No, I'm not tired actually. Why?" -"You look tired." -"Oh, well, I'm not tired." -"You look hung over." Hung over means that you drank too much the night before, and the next day you feel like shit, which is not good at all because pooh is pretty bad. -"Hey, you look older." -"I am older. Obviously I'm older than the last time I saw you." What a redonkulous thing to say. -"You look like shit." -"Thanks."