Lessons From Shanghai's Top Scores on International Test
30 июля 2013

Lessons From Shanghai's Top Scores on International Test

Lessons From Shanghai's Top Scores on International Test
I'm Alex Villarreal with the VOA Special English Education Report, from voaspecialenglish.com | facebook.com/voalearningenglish The Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, is a two-hour test that compares the performance of fifteen-year-olds. In the latest test, the countries with the best readers were South Korea and Finland. But students in Shanghai, China, scored the highest of all in reading, mathematics and science. The next strongest results were in Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, New Zealand and Japan. In all, around half a million students in more than seventy economies took the test in two thousand nine. The test has been given every three years since two thousand. Shanghai took part for the first time in two thousand nine. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development released the results. Andreas Schleicher is director of the Education Indicators and Analysis Division at the OECD. He says: "Asian countries value education more than other countries. They have given education a priority. Every child, every teacher, every parent knows that education is the gateway to success." Mr. Schleicher says other education systems can learn from Shanghai. For example, he says education spending in the province has increased, including teacher pay and training. And administrators are putting teachers into challenging classroom situations to make them better at their jobs.In the PISA scoring system, Shanghai scored six hundred in math. By comparison, the United States scored four hundred eighty-seven. Shanghai's reading average was five hundred fifty-six. American fifteen-year-olds scored five hundred, the same as in Iceland and Poland.In science, Finland was second behind Shanghai. The United States was twenty-third.Education Secretary Arne Duncan says the results show an urgent need for Americans to do more to remain competitive in the world economy. He points out that the United States has fallen from first to ninth place in college graduation rates because of gains by other countries. Mr. Schleicher says international testing experts have investigated and confirmed the Shanghai scores. He says the PISA results are not representative of all of China. But he also says they dispute the common belief that Chinese education is centered on repetition and memorization. Twenty-five percent of the Shanghai students showed advanced thinking skills to solve difficult math problems. The OECD average was three percent. For VOA Special English I'm Alex Villarreal. (Adapted from a radio program broadcast 16Dec2011)
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#1 написал: NamikazeMinato125 (1 августа 2013 13:13)
I remember when I grew up/went to school China...students value education because they were told why it's important-""If one does not exert oneself in youth, one will regret it in old age.".... .my parents used to tell me to study hard so I can go to a good school, and won't be a homeless begging for money on the streets because? no one would hire someone uneducated......
#2 написал: walle1999 (1 августа 2013 13:13)
Student go abroad 1) in hopes of a green card, at least in Australia (but recently laws changed) 2) Differentiation when they go back to China, since without degrees from the most prestigious tertiary institutions you are basically in a pot of millions whom graduate every year competing for a limited number of "good" jobs. The chinese education system is really good, but the opportunities are? only reserved for the most academically inclined.
#3 написал: joezhou (1 августа 2013 13:13)
we really have to see how people vote with their feet. more chinese student every years are willing? to pay 5x the tuition to US school not to be educated in china. think about that