Business English: Learn Google Presentation and English at the Same Time
30 июля 2013

Business English: Learn Google Presentation and English at the Same Time

Business English: Learn Google Presentation and English at the Same Time has many more lessons for you to learn quickly. You can learn many things to help you in your career. Th...
Будем рады, если вам понравилось видео Business English: Learn Google Presentation and English at the Same Time.
#1 написал: Marc Metral (1 августа 2013 13:51)
Thanks a lot, I like this video. It will help me for? my presentations. Marc
#2 написал: neck davenchi (1 августа 2013 13:51)
i suggest you make a daily news video i really? like it
#3 написал: hootarosetagaya (1 августа 2013 13:51)
Totally :)?
#4 написал: QuicklyLearnEnglish (1 августа 2013 13:51)
What's so cool about it is that it's free.? It's hard to hate Google when they give us so many free goodies like Youtube. I'll keep finding more gems to teach about. Take care , David
#5 написал: hootarosetagaya (1 августа 2013 13:51)
Ahaaa. This? is pretty informative. Honestly I didnt know this. Thanks. QLE.