Writing Skills: The Paragraph
30 июля 2013

Writing Skills: The Paragraph

Writing Skills: The Paragraph
www.engvid.com The paragraph is the most important unit of a well-written essay. The paragraph has a specific structure and standards that make it eff...
Изучение английского языка будет доступным с видео Writing Skills: The Paragraph.
#1 написал: electronicpulseTV (1 августа 2013 14:26)
simply stunning! . my mom got shocked when she received the ipad3 from this website on behalf of? me. i am telling you, make sure you tell the address and email properly to send the giftbox. rush it here -> bit.ly/15rrsZN?=nkeizi
#2 написал: Biruktad (1 августа 2013 14:26)
thanks Adam!?
#3 написал: Hemn Ahmed (1 августа 2013 14:26)
thank you so much, your lessons are very? useful :)
#4 написал: Mariam Eid (1 августа 2013 14:26)
Many? thanks :)
#5 написал: PandaBerry23 (1 августа 2013 14:26)
Thanks!? This helped a lot! I have to write four paragraphs on The Grapes of Wraths in about a week. Looking forward to more videos
#6 написал: Ngu Tran (1 августа 2013 14:26)
Very good lesson!?
#7 написал: Eliza Karki (1 августа 2013 14:26)
hey adam, thanks for the video. Can you review? my essay?
#8 написал: Mohammed Rahmany (1 августа 2013 14:26)
awesome ?
#9 написал: Guthoooooooooo (1 августа 2013 14:26)
Hello professor!!? I appreciated this lesson!! " voc? ? o cara !!!" ( this is " you are the man!!" in Portuguese) congratulations! bid hug,!
#10 написал: alan a (1 августа 2013 14:26)
thank was great , will u do argumentative essay for me pls i will be really appreciate it i need to do it for? my ILTS i will be waiting for ur text