Pronunciation Tips - Short Vowel - Programme 7 from BBC Learning English
30 июля 2013

Pronunciation Tips - Short Vowel - Programme 7 from BBC Learning English

Pronunciation Tips - Short Vowel - Programme 7 from BBC Learning English
Learn English and improve your pronunciation with programme 6 in our series of 44 videos designed to help improve your pronunciation and English.
С видео Pronunciation Tips - Short Vowel - Programme 7 from BBC Learning English изучение английского языка станет доступным.
#1 написал: Witten Chan (1 августа 2013 07:45)
#2 написал: MrAkkountakkountov (1 августа 2013 07:45)
great pronounciation, yet a poor video as a teaching material: the speaker does not explain the tongue placement to pronounce the sound. "Listen carefully and repeat" is the second step in explanation, the very first must be about tongue position, which is various? for each language. For example, Russian speakers should keep their tongues much lower than in their native language for the correct English sound, actually, British ))
#3 написал: meideiprod (1 августа 2013 07:45)
So, you keep your tongue lower than for an /e/,? and you have an /?/?
#4 написал: Claudio Meza (1 августа 2013 07:45)
Thanks Teacher?