It's An Ill Wind That Blows No Good - Idioms - ESL British English Pronunciation
14 августа 2013

It's An Ill Wind That Blows No Good - Idioms - ESL British English Pronunciation

It's An Ill Wind That Blows No Good - Idioms - ESL British English Pronunciation An explanation of the proverb It's an ill wind that blows no good - It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.
Английский язык с видео It's An Ill Wind That Blows No Good - Idioms - ESL British English Pronunciation станет проще.
#1 написал: Cris Hall (16 августа 2013 08:50)
No hay? mal que por bien no venga.
#2 написал: Pablo Hern?ndez (16 августа 2013 08:50)
Yep. That'd be? the Spanish translation. Thanks indeed teacher.
#3 написал: chemitesp (16 августа 2013 08:50)
Em portugu?s seria: "n?o h? mal que? bem n?o traga".
#4 написал: Bhagwan Singh (16 августа 2013 08:50)
I don't like Obama .he? seem kind and gentle but i think there's more to him than meets the eye.It's an ill wind that blow no good.
#5 написал: MuhammadEgypt (16 августа 2013 08:50)
Is it similar to 'every cloud? has a silver lining'?
#6 написал: MuhammadEgypt (16 августа 2013 08:50)
Thank? you!
#7 написал: iswearenglish (16 августа 2013 08:50)
I was thinking about this expression when I was making the video I think that ill wind talks about something bad for one person but something good for another person whereas every cloud more normally means something bad has happened to me but this means that something positive will also happen to? me
#8 написал: MuhammadEgypt (16 августа 2013 08:50)
I think the closest meaning is 'One man's meat is another man's? poison'. What do you think?
#9 написал: Александр Шиляев (16 августа 2013 08:50)
If a wind blows NO good? (at all?) how can it bring smt positive to whosoever?
#10 написал: iswearenglish (16 августа 2013 08:50)
It sounds good? to me.