Explore Maine! American English Pronunciation
14 августа 2013

Explore Maine! American English Pronunciation

Explore Maine!  American English Pronunciation
SUBSCRIBE!: bit.ly/RE_sub, Fan! bit.ly/RE_FB ESL: See the state of Maine and study words where the letter O spells the [?] sound See the transc...
Видео Explore Maine! American English Pronunciation будет очень полезно в самостоятельном изучении английского языка.
#1 написал: Awdaly Saleh (16 августа 2013 09:25)
Really ,? it's more than great , a geography of my own country , and a fun inspiration , on the moss . Thank you so so much .
#2 написал: clzvsc (16 августа 2013 09:25)
thanks a lot? Rachels :D
#3 написал: 919copacabana (16 августа 2013 09:25)
thanks? suerte
#4 написал: Awdaly Saleh (16 августа 2013 09:25)
Sure ,I'll come you there . ?
#5 написал: al-waleed bin-ouf (16 августа 2013 09:25)
dear Rachel, thanks? you very much for your lesson really i would like to tell you private secret plz don't tell other ( i love you ). i hope to see you in KSA
#6 написал: Juan ?ngel (16 августа 2013 09:25)
What about French speaking Maine??
#7 написал: Jing Mou (16 августа 2013 09:25)
I am? going there soon! Definitely gonna try lobster and blueberry!!
#8 написал: clzvsc (16 августа 2013 09:25)
Hi Rachel!! I have a question, what's the difference between the? stop t and d sounds? I can't note the difference :D to me they sound the same :/ Thanks for your answer n_n
#9 написал: Rachel's English (16 августа 2013 09:25)
The T and D have the same position. The Stop T and Stop D are very similar, but here's a tip: syllables ending in a voiced consonant (like D) might be a little longer than those that end in an? unvoiced consonant (like T).
#10 написал: Jonathan Aviel Solana Torres (16 августа 2013 09:25)
Your videos are great! I can't? believe how much english I have learnt just by watching your videos!