The Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776)
24 сентября 2013

The Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776)

The Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776)
Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Michael Scherer.
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#1 написал: Jorge Reyes (26 сентября 2013 06:52)
What ever happened to the patriotism that the United States and its fellow citizens stood for? I see many people nagging about the U.S. I'm so proud to be an American. My father and mom came as immigrants and gave back to the United States by? making a business. In less than a year I am off to boot camp to serve. I love the United States and am proud to be a United States of America.
#2 написал: mercensary2005 (26 сентября 2013 06:52)
That's true but I am true America we sure united and to be free and happy. We sure following this meaning of U.S.A to be not a slave to learn who we are?
#3 написал: buzzclick500 (26 сентября 2013 06:52)
If YOU had billions of dollars, you might think that was just fine. Critics are not to? be trusted.
#4 написал: buzzclick500 (26 сентября 2013 06:52)
They READ it, and decided? it wasn't really to their liking.
#5 написал: buzzclick500 (26 сентября 2013 06:52)
You don't get it,? do you?
#6 написал: JulianBaynes1 (26 сентября 2013 06:52)
A-fucking-men. Eat shit and? die, George III.
#7 написал: Frederico Pedreira Lannes (26 сентября 2013 06:52)
Gostei, como fa?o para comprar o? v?deo audio: "The Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776)". Frederico
#8 написал: Mc Lovin (26 сентября 2013 06:52)
so sleepy?
#9 написал: Josh O (26 сентября 2013 06:52)
This is a valid point, although the verbatim of the Declaration of Independence reads: "life liberty, and the? *pursuit* of happiness".
#10 написал: Stephen Hartfield (26 сентября 2013 06:52)
I love this document and I love America, and what it stands for. I am grateful to have freedom and that true freedom God has given to His people to enjoy. I will remember the words of my forefathers and the courage they had to separate from tyranny, to create a free society. I know today it has changed, but that does not matter, I am proud to be an American; and? I will stand like the original Americans did!