Part 01 - Of Human Bondage Audiobook by W. Somerset Maugham (Chs 1-16)
24 сентября 2013

Part 01 - Of Human Bondage Audiobook by W. Somerset Maugham (Chs 1-16)

Part 01 - Of Human Bondage Audiobook by W. Somerset Maugham (Chs 1-16)
Part 01 (Chs 1-16). Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Tom Weiss. Playlist for: Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham: Of Human Bondage free audiobook at Librivox: Of Human Bondage free eBook at Project Gutenberg: Of Human Bondage at Wikipedia: View a list of all our videobooks:
Уверены, вам очень понравилось видео Part 01 - Of Human Bondage Audiobook by W. Somerset Maugham (Chs 1-16).
#1 написал: Alexandr Brojdo (26 сентября 2013 07:53)
u r ?
#2 написал: 6006095 (26 сентября 2013 07:53)
how come there are so many dislikes ? I think they have already tried their best to record the audio book.CHERISH what you have!!! Please try to appreciate the efforts of them. They are not supposed to make these audio books without? charging you any price.
#3 написал: leah97462 (26 сентября 2013 07:53)
One thing I see to be very prevalent in classic literature is the bond between mother and son. I have read many books where the mother-son relationship impacts the character of the main protagonist. It is interesting considering that the relationship between mother and son currently in our culture is more based? off shame and embarrassment instead of intimacy and Agape.
#4 написал: MessyMetals (26 сентября 2013 07:53)
I thought I should show my TRUE APPRECIATION for your site. I listened to all of videos and thank you so much for sharing this amazing novel. I am able to listen while I work and this book was selected on a whim. Lucky me, W. Somerset Maughan, has written a glorious tale? about the lessons of life. Mildred was a most unbearable character!
#5 написал: cris431234 (26 сентября 2013 07:53)
Thes? suckkkkkkkkk! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
#6 написал: robjs89 (26 сентября 2013 07:53)
steven hawking does? audio books now?
#7 написал: MySuperDub (26 сентября 2013 07:53)
Listened to 41 mins of classic literature LIKE A SIR...that is before primary brain functions seized out of boredom & full system shutdown ensued. How many others continued to read along w/ the narration for a time? Has my life expectancy decreased or increased? after this?