Learn Business English Economics 140 (hyperinflation)
30 июля 2013

Learn Business English Economics 140 (hyperinflation)

Learn Business English Economics 140 (hyperinflation)
Today's words: Hypeinflation (inflation greater than 50%), loose credit policy, printing money, lack of productive capacity or manufacturing capacity, debt d...
Видео Learn Business English Economics 140 (hyperinflation) станет хорошим помощником в изучении английского языка.
#1 написал: bonghamlife JO (1 августа 2013 06:54)
I like? it. Thank you.
#2 написал: somasujatha (1 августа 2013 06:54)
Keep up the fantastic work, I have seen your video on this site and I conceive that your video is really interesting and has sets of? excellent information..
#3 написал: Kai Tale (1 августа 2013 06:54)
will do.?
#4 написал: TeacherPhilEnglish (1 августа 2013 06:54)
Search? Peter Schiff
#5 написал: Kai Tale (1 августа 2013 06:54)
hmmm.? i stil remain confused but i think i need to continue watching your videos to get a larger understanding of more things. bit by bit. it's very interesting. like the science of life really.
#6 написал: TeacherPhilEnglish (1 августа 2013 06:54)
There's always something 'on the bid' just as the news comes out because some? people are very slow. Whoever can sell fastest will get out first. Then, other people who can't sell will sell the currency instead because it will drop. But the timing must be very fast and it's best to do something good with money rather than buy bonds of highly-indebted governments.
#7 написал: Kai Tale (1 августа 2013 06:54)
i suppose if it was free marke the exchange rate would be just a kind of translation ratio so that similar goods in each country? are priced the same. i get forex markets that simply the buying of foreign currency with your own currency. but anyway who do the foreign banks who own the bonds sell the bonds to as the government defaults? and if the government is defaulting then why would anyone want to buy a bond whereby they wont get their money back due to defaulting?
#8 написал: Kai Tale (1 августа 2013 06:54)
sorry for cloggin up comments but who's selling of the countries bonds (the people or foreigner countries) and who are they selling it to? what is the actual free market formula for the exchange rates (ie the currency going up or down)?? ty
#9 написал: TeacherPhilEnglish (1 августа 2013 06:54)
The currency goes down because everyone is selling the country's bonds (which are? being defaulted on) as fast as possible. Once all of the bonds are sold, the currency stabilizes if the country stops printing money. If the print more money, the currency will drop, but not in a straight line. It goes up and down in big moves randomly.