Chapter 13 - Candide by Voltaire - How Candide was forced away from his fair Cunegonde

Chapter 13: How Candide was forced away from his fair Cunegonde and th...

Chapter 10 - Candide by Voltaire - In what distress Candide, Cunegonde, and the Old Woman arrived

Chapter 10: In what distress Candide, Cunegonde, and the Old Woman arr...

Chapter 09 - Candide by Voltaire - What became of Cunegonde, Candide, the Grand Inquisitor

Chapter 9: What became of Cunegonde, Candide, the Grand Inquisitor, an...

Chapter 05 - Candide by Voltaire - Tempest, Shipwreck, Earthquake, and what became of Dr Pangloss

Chapter 5: Tempest, Shipwreck, Earthquake, and what became of Doctor P...

Chapter 04 - Candide by Voltaire - How Candide found his old Master Pangloss

Chapter 4: How Candide found his old Master Pangloss, and what happene...
