Chapter 14 - Anne of Avonlea by Lucy Maud Montgomery - A Danger Averted

Chapter 14: A Danger Averted. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchr...

Book 06 - Chapter 5 - The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo - End of the Story of the Cake

Book 6: Chapter 5 - End of the Story of the Cake. Classic Literature V...

Book 03 - Chapter 1 - The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo - Notre-Dame

Book 3: Chapter 1 - Notre-Dame. Classic Literature VideoBook with sync...

Chapter 11 - Anne of Avonlea by Lucy Maud Montgomery - Facts and Fancies

Chapter 11: Facts and Fancies. Classic Literature VideoBook with synch...

Book 02 - Chapter 6 - The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo - The Broken Jug

Book 2: Chapter 6 - The Broken Jug. Classic Literature VideoBook with ...
