Pronunciation of English Vowel Sounds 5 - Diphthongs (with captions)
30 июля 2013

Pronunciation of English Vowel Sounds 5 - Diphthongs (with captions)

Pronunciation of English Vowel Sounds 5 - Diphthongs (with captions)
Topic: Diphthongs Practice 3 vowel sounds. Also, learn what triphthongs are. A version of this video with NO CAPTIONS is available at
С видео Pronunciation of English Vowel Sounds 5 - Diphthongs (with captions) изучение английского языка превратится в одно удовольствие.
#1 написал: voiceanddiction (1 августа 2013 08:25)
Excellent video! Re. Juan36793's question, English is full of vowel glides (as you know). If there's a glide in another language it is usually written out, esp.? since the other Indo-European languages are phonetic. I find that teaching the /e/ as /ei/ helps students to learn to glide the "long" vowels. You're probably aware that there are pronunciation texts that use [y] and [w] to indicate gliding; e.g. /ou/ is /ow/. Since I come from IPA, it drives me a bit nuts, but it's good for students.
#2 написал: Nitin Kumar (1 августа 2013 08:25)
hi jennifer u r awesome thank you too much iam new english speaker can u tell me difference between s and sh sound and tongue positin lips? etc
#3 написал: cyclone100100 (1 августа 2013 08:25)
Hi jennifer love your lessons, I am struggling with ? sound at the moment, would you help me? please please please, I would be very grateful, is it same like z please help
#4 написал: Chi?n Ph?ng v?n (1 августа 2013 08:25)
i? love lessons
#5 написал: Masamune SHIMAOKA (1 августа 2013 08:25)
O I see, I see. I follow you, just, just follow you, I follow you!? ^^
#6 написал: JenniferESL (1 августа 2013 08:25)
Don't leave out a consonant sound just because you have a /?/? sound. POWER is written as / 'pa??/ with stress on the first syllable.
#7 написал: Masamune SHIMAOKA (1 августа 2013 08:25)
I am wondering if there is a stress on /?/, it should be pronounced with a preceding consonant + /?/ :as? in "were" = /w/ + /?/, etc. However the preceding consonant should be omitted when /?/ is not stressed. So if the word "power" had a stress on "er", the ommited /w/ sound should appear again. It would be pronounced /p? 'w?/ ^^ How do you think?
#8 написал: coolguyping (1 августа 2013 08:25)
Thank you? Jennifier, GREAT GREAT WORK FOR ME!!!!! coolguyping