How to Analyze People on Sight audiobook - part 2
25 сентября 2013

How to Analyze People on Sight audiobook - part 2

How to Analyze People on Sight  audiobook - part 2
How to Analyze People on Sight Through the Science of Human Analysis: The Five Human Types by Elsie Lincoln Benedict & Ralph Paine Benedict In this popular American book from the 1920s, accomplished public speaker and self-help charlatan Elsie Lincoln Benedict outlines her pseudo-scientific system of "Human Analysis". She proposes that, within the human race, five sub-types have developed through evolutionary processes, each with its own distinct character traits and corresponding outward appearance. She offers to teach the reader how to recognise these five types of people and understand their innate differences. Her ideas have never been taken seriously by the scientific community, but this book is considered a classic within its genre and remains in print today. Summary by Carl Manchester.
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#1 написал: TheToneross (27 сентября 2013 08:45)
where do i find another copy of? this without the annoying no speak engrish lady voice?
#2 написал: sara a (27 сентября 2013 08:45)
I? can honestly say I did not understand what the idea of this Chapter was :( Why she had to read this particular chapter is beyond me.
#3 написал: sara a (27 сентября 2013 08:45)
Thank you for uploading this, but I am having a hard time understanding every? word she is saying.