716 Phrasal Verbs with Get - English Class ESL British Pronunciation
30 июля 2013

716 Phrasal Verbs with Get - English Class ESL British Pronunciation

716 Phrasal Verbs with Get - English Class ESL British Pronunciation
www.iswearenglish.com An Explanation of Phrasal Verbs with "Get": Get at somebody, Get at something, Get on, Get on with, Get along, Get along with, G...
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#1 написал: Sathya P (1 августа 2013 10:00)
Really? good learning.., useful.. Thank you
#2 написал: iswearenglish (1 августа 2013 10:00)
I am sorry there is very little order to my channel , it's a bit? anarchic .
#3 написал: Rebecca Hale (1 августа 2013 10:00)
This is wonderful. Thank you so very much! Do? you by chance have a written document with the phrasal verbs listed in order of appearance?
#4 написал: iswearenglish (1 августа 2013 10:00)
sometimes understanding the preposition can help the? prepositions have lots of meanins
#5 написал: Yuri Radavchuk (1 августа 2013 10:00)
Thank you, really helpful. Are there any general rules to understand phrasal? verbs without knowing their meanings?
#6 написал: Helene Verlen (1 августа 2013 10:00)
You are a godsend! Thank? you!
#7 написал: melomanaloca (1 августа 2013 10:00)
I apppreciated your help !! : )?
#8 написал: iswearenglish (1 августа 2013 10:00)
try tis video How to Pronounce the? Word The - Schwa /?/ ? - ESL British English Pronunciation
#9 написал: Ludovic Verzar (1 августа 2013 10:00)
I get all you said down. very intersting. ps : why do you pronounce the loss that way? ( "thi" loss? instead of "the" loss)
#10 написал: iswearenglish (1 августа 2013 10:00)
I am? happy it helped you