The Art of Money Getting (FULL Audiobook)
8 июня 2015

The Art of Money Getting (FULL Audiobook)

The Art of Money Getting (FULL Audiobook)
The Art of Money Getting - audiobook P. T. BARNUM (1810 - 1891) Although Barnum considered himself primarily a showman and his main goal was to put money in his own pocket, this little book, subtitled Golden Rules for Making Money does have a good deal of common sense about how to make money, and perhaps more importantly, how to keep it once you've made it. Of course, having been written nearly a century and a half ago, some of the advice may be a little dated, but it remains a very readable self-help book. (Summary by Ruth Golding) Genre(s): Self-Help Language: English (FULL Audiobook)
Видео The Art of Money Getting (FULL Audiobook) будет очень полезно тем, кто хочет выучить английский язык.