Miss Ingalis (FULL Audiobook)
20 августа 2015

Miss Ingalis (FULL Audiobook)

Miss Ingalis  (FULL Audiobook)
Miss Ingalis - audiobook Gertrude HALL ( - ) As the story begins, title character Grace Ingalis is a young woman with a middle-class socialite's upbringing who decides to marry a well-off young businessman she met mere weeks before on a winter sail to the West Indies. But intrigue is brewing as her married (and quite jealous) older sister Lydia is feeling left out, and a religious awakening awaits Grace. The story is reminiscent of Edith Wharton, who was a family friend, by way of Hall's art critic husband, Mr. Brownell. - Summary by BellonaTimes Genre(s): Family Language: English (FULL Audiobook)
Видео Miss Ingalis (FULL Audiobook) делает английский язык более простым.