A History of Britain - Conquest 4/6
30 июля 2013

A History of Britain - Conquest 4/6

A History of Britain - Conquest 4/6
Simon Schama's massive tour through the story of these islands (BBC, 2000-02)
Видео A History of Britain - Conquest 4/6 очень полезно в изучении английского языка.
#1 написал: FeignofCordor (1 августа 2013 07:27)
I to love his narration I? brought the dvd box collection befopre it was here for free:-( ?50.00
#2 написал: FeignofCordor (1 августа 2013 07:27)
I see sorry mate I just thought? wrong about the meaning you get so many people who hate Britain.
#3 написал: lazyweb (1 августа 2013 07:27)
one person disliked this video. they must love to not know things, that is what I meant. this series plus david starkey really gave me an understanding and a reference to learn more. I? love this series, and Simon's history of art is magnificent,
#4 написал: FeignofCordor (1 августа 2013 07:27)
What ignorance ?? and how is it glorifying anything? Do explain
#5 написал: lazyweb (1 августа 2013 07:27)
1 person? disliked this because they glorify ignorance