River of Grass: Florida's Everglades
30 июля 2013

River of Grass: Florida's Everglades

River of Grass: Florida's Everglades
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#1 написал: nguyen ba canh (1 августа 2013 13:35)
palm: cay coj cypress: cay trac ba mangrove:? rung ngap man pine: cay thong rare orchids: nhung loai hoa lan hiem co panthers:con bao duc. ho den
#2 написал: TheHarryGitarre (1 августа 2013 13:35)
Nice video,like this cats,would? take one home,if I ld live there.
#3 написал: handsome1543 (1 августа 2013 13:35)
This is nature place in the world, it is a great treasure where the animals can be happy and free all the? time. thanks voa I've learned much with this videos.